Friday, July 12, 2013

Learn to Learn from Others

Joining a casting director’s workshop is not worth if you do not learn anything there i.e. attending the workshop is important but fetching knowledge, talent and skills from there is most important. There are few questions to which you must have clear answers in your mind. And the answers must carry great weight too else you might create an unenthusiastic image in the casting director’s mind. The questions are like

  • What have you in this field i.e. acting field?
Here you must have some experience like doing plays, or have done any student film etc. else if you do not have done anything then you will be out of sight of the director.
  • What kind of opportunity you are looking for?
You must have a clear idea about what you want to do like films or television or commercials etc.
  • What kind of actor you are?
Here you cannot say that you are a comedian or villain! You must know your style of acting i.e. if you are an intense actor or physical actor etc.
  • Why and which actor you admire for?
If you admire any actor and want to follow his/her footsteps then you must be answerable for why you admire only that actor.

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