Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Pros and Cons of Casting Director’s Workshops

As everything in this world has two sides’ one positive and one negative similarly the casting director workshops have some pros and cons too.  Whenever such workshops came into spotlight they brought some brightness and some darkness too.

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First of all, mentioning the good things about the workshops. Learning is a good thing and actors coming to such workshops learn a lot. They learn from other co-actors, the casting directors, and most importantly from their own mistakes. As said by Albert Einstein “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” And this saying is very true too.

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 If you will never make any mistakes then how will you come to know what is right and what is wrong? Another good thing that must be noted down is that the experienced and professional casting directors put their efforts in teaching the new actors and will judge you on the basis of your talent even you might get a chance too in movies or plays etc.

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Now comes the turn of the cons of these workshops.  The most known cons of such workshops is that an actor has to pay for participating here. And another thing is that there is no guarantee of getting a role in movies, plays or anything else. But these are a part of every learning place. So it can be taken lightly.

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